Devon Womens League Setup New Recreational Division

A new division in the DWL is being setup to facilitate more regular recreational opportunities for women aged 16+.

We are delighted to confirm a successful funding bid to The FA is allowing us to work with the Devon Women’s League to put together more opportunities for recreational football for women. In summary, we hope to be able to facilitate more regular recreational opportunities for women aged 16 and above who can’t commit to the standard weekly competition offer currently in place.

The meeting will take place on Friday 3rd November at 7pm, to be held at Devon FA, Newton Abbot (TQ12 1EJ). The aim, to come up with a plan on how we can work together to support and run a female recreational offer across the whole season, and not just restricted to the summer months.

Invite to attend is open to any individuals, teams or groups who may be interested in this. We just ask you to indicate if you plan to attend by contact matthew.hodgson@devonfa.com