FA Leadership Academy 2023

Applications for the FA Leadership Academy (FALA) 2023 are now live!

The FA Leadership Academy is a 12-month learning and development programme for Youth Leaders in football aged 16 – 24 which kicks off with a 4-day residential event.

This year the residential will take place in-person on the 24th – 27th July 2023. Over their 12-month learning and development journey, participants are supported to unlock their full potential whilst implementing a project that aims to deliver positive change in their local football community.

The programme is delivered by the 13 youth leaders of the FA National Youth Council whose vision is:

“To ensure all young people have meaningful and inclusive opportunities to develop themselves and positively impact the football community.”

To participate in FA Leadership Academy 23, Youth Leaders must:

➢ Have not attended FALA before.
➢ Be aged 16-24 as of the 24th July 2023.
➢ Actively be involved with volunteering or youth leadership.
➢ Be motivated to develop myself and others; and
➢ Attend all four days (24th–27th July 2023) in person.
➢ Be committed to implementing a project back in their community
➢ Be committed to completing the 12-month development journey.

Applications can be submitted by clicking this link..

For more information on what the FA Leadership Academy is, connect with the FA National Youth Council on Twitter or Instagram by following @TheFA_NYC.

If you have any questions or require further support from an FA staff member, please contact Ben Grady (Ben.Grady@thefa.com).

If a young person considering applying has any questions, please contact The FA National Youth Council nationalyouthcouncil@thefa.com.