Devon Football Family Weekly Shout Out

Providing a platform for our football family to give a shout out to a person or organisation for anything positive!

This season we want to shine a light on the Devon Football Family.

Over the next twelve months we will be launching a variety of new reward and recognition incentives. 

To start the season, we are launching the new “Weekly Devon Football Family Shout Out!”. 

We want to provide a platform for our football family to give a shout out to a person or organisation for anything positive!

We understand that winning a trophy or award at the end of the season is out of reach for many of our football family.  However, there are achievements on and off the field throughout the season that go unrewarded, including clubs' doing excellent work in their community!

So whether it's scoring for the first time, a team playing a positive way, a volunteer who gives up hours each week, or a club starting a community project - we want to hear about it!

To nominate for a “Weekly Shout” please click here.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about this programme please email development@devonfa.com