Safeguarding Children Online Course

Information on problems regarding the Safeguarding Children Online Course.

We understand that some of you are having trouble with the Safeguarding Children Courses online. 

We have emailed FA Education and have received this response:

The re-certification course is now called the Safeguarding Children Course. 

In order to give you access to this we need to manually enroll you onto the course.

However it will take 24 hours for this happen so please do wait this long before re-attempting to access the course. After this time period, please follow the instructions below:

Please visit this page here

This should take you to an FA Learning page. Please then follow the steps and checkout. 

Once you have checked out, your course should be available on your home page of falearning.thefa.com under certifications on the right hand side of the page. If you're on a mobile device, you may need to toggle mobile blocks to view this. 

If you're still encountering issue's, please attempt to click the link here

You can find answers to your questions online - click here to visit our help centre.

Please share this will your volunteers who need to do the courses, currently we have 336 NOT Trained!