proud to be 1

The FA Announce and Re-Brand its PROUD campaign

The FA Charter Standard logos and brand have been given a new lease of life for 2018 and beyond, and its main target is to reflect The FA’s ‘Proud to Be’ initiative.

These new assets have been created with you in mind, they’re completely free for Clubs and Leagues to use on their social media channels.

These assets and social media images can be downloaded below:

 Proud to be - Facebook Logo

 proud to be - Facebook Logo 1

 Proud to be Logo

 Proud to be Logo 1

 Proud to be - Twitter

Proud to be - Twitter 1

It’s also been made clear that Clubs in Devon can download relevant application forms, development plan tools and ‘codes of conduct’ by following the link to our Charter Standard page:

If you require any information on the benefits of Charter Standard, ‘Proud to Be’ campaign or discuss an application then please contact Dai Carpenter our Senior Football Development Officer on 01626 323562 or email