FA Statement - Devon & Cornwall League Re-Structure
A follow up meeting was held at the Devon County Football Association headquarters on Friday 23 March. Representatives of the Cornwall and Devon Football Associations, South West Peninsula and the Devon & Exeter Leagues reported back on their meetings that they had had with their respective leagues and management committees regarding the re-organisation of the Steps 6 and 7 in Cornwall and Devon. It is pleasing to report that all parties wish to go ahead with the structure as from the 2019/20 season.
This will mean that the South West Peninsula League will be responsible for the two Step 6 leagues, one in Cornwall and one in Devon. The Cornwall FA will run the Step 7 league in Cornwall, Devon FA will run the Step 7 League in the South/West of the county and the Devon & Exeter League will run the Step 7 league in the North/East of Devon. The names of the Step 7 leagues will be agreed at a later date.
Ray Lewis, Chairman of the Football Association’s Leagues Committee will be taking the proposal to its next meeting on 10 April to gain approval to move this venture forward.
It was agreed to form a Joint Liaison Committee formed of representatives from all parties and this will meet on 3 May. This will then be followed, in early June with meetings when the full proposals will be given to Clubs. The Football Association will be writing to each club explaining the structure and the timeline for submitting expressions of interest. The closing date for this will be 30 September 2018 with formal applications to be received by 31 December 2018.