Devon FA Media Recruitment - Sign Up Today
Devon FA needs YOU!
Who remembers the glory and excitement of last season’s County Cup Finals streamed live on Facebook?
It was something momentous as tens of thousands of viewers tuned in to watch our County Cup Finals; you all seemed to love them.
Now, we are looking out for a team of media giants, recruiting enthusiastic volunteers to help produce our live broadcasts to the Facebook World!
Become a member of the Devon FA Media team this March, April and May as we broadcast live County Cup Finals on Facebook.
During the finals you’ll be gaining great experience on camera work, production, social media, commentary and match reporting.
All cup finals will be during the evening from 6pm to 9:30pm *except Disability Cup Final Day on Sunday.
In total we have 20 cup finals and we'd LOVE to have you on board for as many as you can!
This will be a great chance to help Devon FA and more importantly it could improve your skills set... or if you're simply after a bit of a smile then get involved.
When becoming a member of the team you'll be tasked with all sections of production, whether it is camera work, commentary, social media and match reporting.
Remember this is a volunteer/work experience opportunity, but you’ll have travel expenses, food and drink provided when volunteering with us.
Please register your interest by emailing
You can see exactly what we do by clicking the link below to all the cup finals from last season