
Plans to Support the Growth of Walking Football Nationally Have Been Revealed

Walking Football launched in Devon in 2014 & has contributed to its growth nationally.

The FA’s direct involvement can inspire it to greater growth. It also needs uniting as it is currently being played to different rules in different locations. Creating a common framework around the game is not to create ‘ownership’.

It’s to make it enjoyable for everyone, now and long into the future.

The FA has drawn up a plan comprising seven structural areas which must be in place to ensure Walking Football’s growth is co-ordinated and interdependent. The seven areas include:

• Participation
• Governance
• Competition
• Workforce Development
• Marketing
• Partnerships
• Insight & Quality Assurance

With the FA Mars Just Play programme and FA People’s Cup already helping many into walking football, the ‘Stepping Out’ plan aims to build on those foundations. From this plan, Devon FA can benefit from providing a strategic programme, streamlined to the national game that benefits our football offer in the county, wider health & social benefits to the 50+ sector & most importantly, the player.

The plan is available to download here

For more information on Walking Football in Devon, please contact Howard Shaddick:Howard.shaddick@devonfa.com / 01626 325913