Safeguarding and Welfare
Safeguarding Children is everyone’s responsibility – including Devon FA as the game’s governing body in the county. Creating fun, safe football environments is central to Safeguarding Children.
Safeguarding Children is everyone's responsibility and having Welfare Officers in all Youth Clubs and Leagues is crucial to The FA’s simple three-part approach to safeguarding. This includes:
- Getting the right people involved - seeking references and DBS checks.
- Creating a safe environment - codes of conduct, education and best practice.
- Promoting clear systems - to deal with any concerns - policy and procedures.
Within this section of our website, you'll find all the necessary policies on safeguarding and welfare, details on how to raise a safeguarding concern and links to available courses and safeguarding guidance.
Our normal working hours are 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday.
If you have an urgent Safeguarding enquiry then please call the FA/NSPCC 24-hour helpline on 0808 800 5000 – or if it is an emergency because a child or children are at immediate risk, then call the Police or Children’s Social Care in your area.
Lorraine Tilley, Designated Safeguarding Officer
01626 323566
adult football requirements
For the affiliation of the 2024/2025 season all adult clubs (including walking football and veterans) will need a named Welfare Officer.
This person must hold an in date FA DBS, please contact if you have any questions on how to get a FA DBS. The welfare officer must have done the Player Welfare Course, this is free and online
Adult clubs who have 16 and 17 year olds registered with them, will also need to make sure all coaches, managers, first aiders and physios have an in date FA DBS and the Player Welfare Course.
For more information, contact
If you are a Club Welfare Officer or are unable to complete your DBS with your club, you are able to complete your verification with County FA staff. Please follow the guidance document below.
Anyone working in an eligible role, directly working with children and young people such as managers and coaches must hold an in-date DBS. When you apply for or renew a DBS online, your Club Welfare Officer will still need to see your original ID documents. Your Club Welfare Officer can then verify these online to submit your application.
To apply or renew a DBS online visit the following:
This online course is written for Secretaries, Chairman, Treasurers and Club Welfare Officers. Please follow the guidance document below to complete the course.
Anyone who has taken a 3 hour face-to-face Safeguarding Children Workshop can renew their re-certification online. Please use the guidance document below to complete the course.